Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Look out world, here I come. Laughing. And carrying a naked cat.

Nelles grad_38.jpg
Originally uploaded by bnelle
I recently had the honor of walking at my MFA grdauation. Yeah, I know, I got my diploma back in January, but this was the last part of the ritual, and I'm big on ritual. So I sat in the heat of the SFV morning, listened to Mike Curb (who sounded perpetually stoned) warn me off of the dangers of illegaly downloading music, shook the hand of a faculty member I didn't recognize, and then had waffles with my family. The waffles were, of course, the high point of the morning.

So. Now would be an excellent time for the job offers to start rolling in.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

May 9

May 9
Originally uploaded by bnelle
You may think I have already lost momentum. But I tell you, it is not so.

My digital camera has been 'borrowed' for a length of time, leaving me with out the ability to be really spontaneous in my postings, but I think that my film work can be just as telling, even if it's more planned.

I took this last month, while in Arcadia. It was processed this week, and I just scanned and edited it today.

When I took this picture, I was just beginning to feel like myself again. Like I was the beautiful person I remembered being, back before I started grad school. Like the dawn over this field of Irises, I felt like I was at the beginning of something wonderful, and full of promise. This specific day was so lovely, I remember, and tinged with a kind of calm, hope laden ecstasy.

And then I came back to LA and life happened and I forgot and the things that seemed so full of promise seemed so complicated.

This image reminds me of all the gold and emerald green that is both inside of me and outside of me. It reminds me to keep these moments in my heart, or moments like it - sunlight and beauty and the sound of my love's voice. These things are the major destinations.