I love Springtime and always try to prolong it's visit here by trying to grow things year round in my kitchen garden window. Most of the year is a failure for everything except basil, my aloe, and a few other things that seem to thrive in the heat. This year, that included a little pot of bell peppers I grew from seed. I don't know if it was the pot, or the soil, or the seeds, but none of them got bigger than a golf ball.
The El Nino rains also brought my usually brown and dry back patio to life: lavendar, nasturtium and Oxalis Shamrocks are growing like weeds. Which two of them are. But still. Nothing is blooming yet, it's still too early. At Imbolc I brought in some clippings to Spring the joint up a bit.

What a change it made to my mood, to be surrounded by lovely green things. Happy Springtime to you, whenever it gets there!

it sure looks different in your neck of the woods!!!
Jaz, you have no idea. Los Angeles is like another planet sometimes!
Someone has a Spring in her step! Erm.
Love the pictures.
Pretty green things! Although I do not envy you the intense heat, I am wishing I had green and flowering things outside my window. Soon though...
Cute little peppers!
Yeah, still a winter wonderland here, but getting there!
I'm right up the coast from you in Newbury Park and I know exactly what you're talking about w/ the dry and dusty weather . It's so lovely to see pics. of your house and I just get such a warm feeling looking at all the cozy earth mother stardust you use : )
Thank you Cat Priestess! Your comment left me all warm and fuzzy inside!
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