So. What's a girl with zero cash to do? I recently tried to heat up pots of water on the stove top, but by the time one batch was done, the last was cold. I must tell you that the thought of a winter with out a bathtub of hot water makes me want to hide in bed for the next 6 months. Even after today warmed up, this morning's chill never left my bones. And in times of stress, as nearly every day for the last few weeks have been, I crave long soaks like other people crave... well, whatever it is you do to drown your sorrows.
I spoke to my Grandma Fran about it. She just returned last month from a visit to my cousin in Mongolia, where, she said, in the summer months, you have to take cold showers because that's when they work on all the plumbing. Fran said that my cousin told her to try to achieve a 'Zen one-ness with the water.' All I have to say to that is "Bullshit."
In the meantime, I'll be day dreaming about this:

When my water heater broke, I was suprised to find that it had a manufacturer's warrenty on it. Even though I hadn't bought the original water heater, it still applied...might be something to check out.
Thanks for the advice, SleightGirl - mine does have a warranty, but had just expired last year! Ugh!
I would be stinky before I took cold showers. Total truth.
I'd suggest filling up the tub at night before you go to bed, so that the water is at least room temperature in the morning (or fill it up in the morning for the evening!). Then a pot or two of boiling water should get you to reasonably warm!
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